Den ursprungliga Lenormandleken skapades av fransyskan Marie-Anne Adélaïde Lenormand, född 27 maj 1772. Under sitt liv var hon en mycket väl ansedd professionell sierska som också skrev flera böcker. Redan vid sju års ålder väckte Mlle Lenormand mycket uppmärksamhet från skolkamrater och lärare för sina träffsäkra förutsägelser. Hon var också politiskt nytänkande, vilket uppfattades som ett hot av mäktiga personer. Bland annat lät Napoleon I fängsla henne för politiska förutsägelser 1803 och 1809, något som gjorde att hon uppmärksammades än mer som sierska.
Hennes kortlek utgör ett unikt kortsystem som har utkommit i mängder av varianter från senare kortleksskapare.
Lovingly created with artwork from the Smith-Waite® Tarot deck and “The Golden Vanity”, this charming 36-card petit Lenormand deck pays tribute to Pamela Colman Smith. The 132-page booklet includes keywords and expanded meanings for Love and Career issues. This unique Lenormand deck comes in an adorable tin.
This is the classic Lenormand deck for the 21st century, now reissued with a fresh design to showcase the amazing hand-painted card illustrations that guide the diviner in solving problems, learning what the future holds and developing intuition.
Discover the buried secrets in Under the Roses, a charming 40-card Petit Lenormand deck. For each card an iconic image is presented with delicate, sepia- toned illustrations. In addition to the 36 standard cards, this deck includes alternate cards for the Child, the Gentleman, and the Lady.
The 60-page booklet offers keyword summaries for each card.
Primal Lenormand is a facsimile of the original Game of Hope cards published in 1799. The deck was initially conceived as a parlor game to be played with dice. Fifty years later the cards were used for divination by Mlle Lenormand. This Petit Lenormand deck has 36 cards. The booklet includes instructions for both the game and the oracle, in English, French and German.
Gorgeously illustrated and rich in symbolism, Thelema Lenormand Oracle unites esoteric energy with deep wisdom, resulting in a deck that enhances your readings and inspires you to explore the essence of another time and place. This deck is a perfect tool for anyone who wants quick answers to the issues that crop up in day-to-day life and for those who want to go deeper.